The Graduate – Part 3


Update: Wow. I’ve been gone for quite some time. I definitely fell down a rabbit hole. No wonderland for me, unfortunately. But now, I’m back and in it to win it. Sorry to keep this particular segment long and drawn out. However, I’ve always been a fan of drawing long bold lines. It’s the non-architect sense of self inside of me. Alright, well, let’s get this American Horror Story: Freak Show circus back on the Tinder yellow brick road.

“How was your day?” – his very first question lingered in the deep depths of my brain like I was having a Jimmy Neutron brain moment (you know where Jimmy pauses as he has a personal neuron connection epiphany). I replied saying, “My day was great! I just worked all day long and then went home to eat dinner.” I asked how his week had been going so far and he said his day was full of helping the undergrads understand concepts for their next midterm. He added that he had been at the coffee shop trying to prepare for his next discussion by reading as he pointed at the giant textbook that took up 2/3 of the small circular café table in front of us.

The Graduate then proceeded to ask me the generic “get to know you” questions like “what do you like to do for fun”…. “what was your major”…. “what do you want to do in the future”…. “what type of music do you listen to”…. “what is your favorite Crayola Crayon color.”

(Just kidding, noone has ever asked me what my favorite Crayola Crayon color is – but let me tell you, when a guy does – oh boy – I know he’ll be the real keeper of my snitch for #lyfe)

Snapple Fact: I’m a big fan of Tickle Me Pink.

[Insert Beyoncé “Single Ladies”]

As I answered his questions, I would always end each answer with a “how ’bout you?” and he would reply accordingly as we continued to play our game of 20 questions. Once we had somewhat “completed” the initial get-to-know-you phase, he asked, “Do you want to play a card game?”

My go-to immediate reaction to hearing the words “card game” always makes me have a That’s So Raven moment where I flashback to all the times growing up where I floundered at playing Go Fish! and Poker. No one ever taught my helpless “Uno” soul how to play cards (pun intended).

Anyway, like the outgoing, “never scared” person that I strive to be on a daily basis, I said “Sure!” I even added an exaggerated tone of “yay!” to my “Sure” because I knew my hatred of cards would be pretty apparent with my normal tone of voice. And as it turned out, he didn’t even notice at all, which was evident by the speed at which he pulled out his deck of cards (wink wink 😉 … NO. Get your mind out of the gutter.)

Although, the rate of speed x velocity demonstrated to me that he definitely wanted to show me what he was twerking working with. (Okay, that was the last one. I’ll stop. “Tickle Me Pink”-y promise.)

The card game ended up being a card game that I had never even heard or seen before in my existence. It was called “Love Letter Kanai Factory Edition.” As current as November 9, 2014, you can purchase this card game for $9.60 on Amazon. I don’t really know how to describe this game, so I have taken the product description from Amazon for a quick explanation. Okay, so this card game is “a game of risk, deduction, and luck, for 2-4 players. Get your love letter into Princess Annette’s hands while keeping other players’ letters away. Powerful cards lead to early gains, but make you a target. Rely on weaker cards for too long and your letter may be tossed in the fire!”

Long story short: I got tossed into the fire – multiple times.

I floundered like Flounder trying to go ashore with Ariel to play frisbee with Max on the hot sandy beach.

For a full 80 minutes, we played this card game – partly because there was nothing else to do and partly because I’m a very competitive individual and I secretly wanted to win at least one round at this awful game, so each time he would ask, “So do you want to play another round?” I would reply with my go-to “Sure!”

A life lesson a la date that I learned from this was that you should always be 100% honest with the person at all times. So, in retrospect, I should have been honest with him and told him that playing “Love Letter” was actually the equivalent of stepping in gum and spending an hour trying to remove the sticky mess from the sneaker’s bottom crevices. Of course, that gum comparison would have been translated from my mind to mouth in the form of  a much more pleasant and aesthetically pleasing to the ear – “This has been fun, but I think I’m good now.”

Overall, he didn’t even have the mental capacity to realize my true feelings during those torched-filled 80 minutes because he was having such a grand ‘ol time playing against a “noob.” He literally would get so excited each time he would defeat me in a round. Like. Okay, bro. You own this game. I wouldn’t expect anything else. *Red Flag #1*

Time Check: Almost 8pm.

He finally noticed that the “fun-o-meter” was quickly going down (I’m yelling Tinder) and he proposed that we migrate away from the coffee shop and just walk around the neighborhood. I was quick to oblige to this suggestion as I had no intention in continuing to entertain this card game and I really just wanted a change of scenery.

He first put away his treasured “Love Letter” card game back into its crimson red, velveteen pouch and then followed that up by putting away his massive Harry Potter-sized textbook back into his black, nondescript messenger bag.

When we stood up to leave the infamous round table of my Not-So-Knight-in-Messenger-Bag-Armor, he quickly cross-bodied his bag and then asked, “Do you want to go geocaching right now?”

[to be continued]

 How Long Will I Tinder You?

11 Days

The Graduate – Part 2


Let’s just say, if I could be Marty McFly for the day, I would go back in time and help Anthony find his wife’s killer instead of going on this date.


Taco Tuesday. Tater Tot Tuesday. Tickle Tuesday. Tinder Tuesday.

That’s it. Okay, now we’re all on the same page. For a split-pea second I thought I overbooked my Tuesdays this month on my iCalendar. Thank goodness I keep all of my various calendars color-coded and organized. I should add that to my resume.

Okay, so where was I. Ah, yes. The infamous Graduate.

On Tuesday, July 22 at 3:54 pm I received a text. This was the beginning of the end. Or as Taylor Swift would say, “On a [Tuesday] at a cafe, I watched it begin [DIE] again.”


The Graduate: Hey, let me know when you get free (3:54 pm)

Me: Hey! I’ll be free by 5! in like 45 min. (4:14 pm)


Me: Where would you like to meet? (5:15 pm)

The G: Is “some non-Starbucks establishment” still open? Want to meet there or at “some other generic non-Starbucks coffee place” as a backup? (5:16 pm)

Me: I have no idea where the first one is…never been there before haha Is it near “some local eatery”? (5:20 pm)

The G: Nearish? I think it might be closed anyway. Want to touch base at “some other generic non-Starbucks coffee place” in half an hour? (5:22 pm)

Me: Sure! See ya there! (5:23 pm)


The G: I’m posted up on the side with my iced coffee. (5:49 pm)

Me: Okey dokey! I’m walking right now. (5:56 pm)


As I texted him “I’m walking right now,” I was more nervously trying to make it down the first street block without getting a wedgie. “Oh gawd,” I thought to myself, “Why did I wear this free pair of underwear! It was free for a reason!”

Side bar: I get a lot of free Victoria’s Secret underwear cards in the mail. Sometimes the free underwear is SUPER comfy and sometimes it SUCKS BALLZ. This was already a sign from Captain Underpants, the underwear god, that this date was not meant to be.

I should add that the rest of my outfit screamed “cute yet effortless,” which is always a good way to make a first impression. I wore a free-flowing Free People top that had purple, orange and blue mini-stripes (I was pleasing all target audiences with that color palette), my favorite pair of skinny Joe’s Jeans (DARK WASH), black Christmas tree themed socks (I wanted to be festive down under) and brown Steve Madden Troopa boots (for comfortability and protection – let’s be real, a girl like me can kick some bootay with some army-style boots). Oh, plus a few spritz of True Religion by True Religion perfume on my body AND clothes (Perfume Tip #1 – use it like Febreze. You’ll thank me later).  I was ON. POINT. and ready to get my date game on.

Anyway, while simultaneously trying to psych myself out, by repeating my main life motto in my head (My main motto is “Keep Calm and Carry On” – HIGHLY effective in this scenario. I recommend it to all people going on first HUMAN INTERACTION dates.), I managed to walk all the way to the cafe without breaking a sweat.

I re-read his last text to me, “I’m posted up on the side with my iced coffee,” probably more times than my grandma says, “hello?” on the phone before she can hear you on the other end. I was frantically trying to maintain a calm composure, while simultaneously trying to locate my somewhat of a blind date. The minute I opened the door of the coffee shop to go inside, I had about 40 beady eyes staring  right back at my puzzled face (that’s 20 people for my readers who don’t like division).

“Oh no. They know I’m on a date! They know that I can’t find the person I’m supposed to meet! Crap. Quick –  just pretend you see him outside and get OUT. OF. HERE,” my mind screamed to my brain (sort of counter-intuitive if you ask me).

Anyway, within 5 minutes of arriving at the coffee shop, I was already panicking and beginning to feel that my cover was blown to society. Luckily, when I decided to go outside, I turned the corner where the coffee shop had set up additional seating and lo and behold, I found him. [Insert The Fray’s “You Found Me”]

He was sitting down with his face looking down at the forest green patio table reading a book – a very large book. His glass of iced coffee – empty. Had I been that late? Or was he just super thirsty? Did he have diabetes? Extreme thirst is a common symptom of Type 1 Diabetes. [I should mention that I was pre-med before changing my major last minute in college. Yeah, O-Chem got the best of me. I’m a failure.]

I approached him by saying, “Hey!” which was then followed by him awkwardly getting out of his seat, almost dropping his very large book on the ground because he didn’t want to “lose his place,” just to give me a hug as I tried to give him a handshake. Yeah, it was one of those awkward first encounter hugs. Also, I never hug someone I DON’T KNOW when I first meet them. Do you? I mean, I prefer to give the person a handshake and if I like them, whether it is romantically or platonically, I say goodbye with a hug.

He then asked if I needed to go inside and get a drink, to which I replied “No, thank you. I’m good.” But, honestly, I would have loved an iced vanilla latte with room. I just didn’t want to go back inside the coffee shop and see those 40 beady eyes judge me a second time around. And, he clearly wasn’t offering to go inside and get a cup of coffee for me. So the answer was pretty much written in the proverbial stars.

Then, he asked, “How was your day?”

[to be continued]

How Long Will I Tinder You?

11 Days

The Cloud

“Spinner of questionable yarn” – I’ll admit, I was intrigued. There’s nothing more sexy than a guy who has the ability to knit me a warm, over-sized sweater with either a reindeer or elf image on the back (so all my haters can say “Hi” to it) for the festive Holiday season! I had already picked out our matching toe socks we would wear in front of the fireplace while sipping hot chocolate with mini marshmallows (or maybe go with a more Justin Bieber-themed holiday and just be chillin’ by the fire while we are eating’ fondue.)

So, I was feeling a little bit brave and frisky. I used my classic pickup line to garner his attention and boy, did it work! Except, it didn’t.

The minute I said “because you look like a cloud,” he started to talk about various types of cloud formations using ACTUAL cloud lingo like Altrostatus, Cirrus, Stratus, Cumulus…Fog. Lucky for him, he was talking to a well-versed, well-educated young lady, so I knew exactly what he was talking about.

(Shout out to college and my nature biology class for teaching me all about clouds – I never thought I would use this knowledge again in my life, especially on Tinder.)

He then started to act too pretentious about his cloud knowledge and started asking me to define various cloud terminology. Uh, excuse me? I didn’t know I was tinder-ing with Alex Trebek. If you’re not going to offer me any compensation in the form of some newly printed green Benjamins or at least a fancy steak meal at Ruth’s Chris, then stop quizzing me.

The last cloud question he asked me was “What is fog?”

What is fog. Wow. Really. This isn’t “Are You Smarter than a 5th Grader.” I’m pretty sure we both know what fog is. But, he asked and I replied with a scientific definition plus a final “DUH” at the end of my sentence to really give off a 5th grader vibe.

He then had the audacity to tell me, “It seems to me that you don’t really know your clouds.”

To which I replied, “It seems to me that you really didn’t fall from Heaven.”


How Long Will I Tinder You?

3 Hours